Madrid Destino Cultura Turismo y Negocio
General Steps
- Revise your manuscript to address the comments of the reviewers.
- For each paper accepted subject to review of a shepherd, please send your revised paper to your
assigned shepherd for review. You must have acquired the consent of your respective
shepherd before submitting the final version. Without consent from your shepherd, your paper will not be
accepted for final publication.
- Generate an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF for your paper (see the detailed instructions below)
- Complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) (see the detailed instructions below)
- The manuscript (in PDF only) should be submitted to the dedicated camera-ready HotCRP website by
Monday, August 24th, 2020:
- At least one author should register to the conference. At least one author of an accepted paper is
expected to register at the full rate of the conference. Each main conference registration may be
applied to at most three main conference papers (including full and short). Each workshop registration
may be applied to at most three workshop papers.
- Every paper must be presented by an author at the conference, in order for the paper to
appear in the conference proceedings and be submitted to the IEEE digital library. Please see the
detailed policy below.
Paper Formatting
The final version of papers, posters and demos should be in double-column format with standard margins and at
least a 10 point font. The page limits are as follows:
- Full papers: ten (10) pages main content, plus references;
- Workshop papers: six (6) pages including references;
- Posters/demos: two (2) pages including references, and the titles must
bear "Poster:" or "Demo:" prefix, respectively.
Papers that exceed the page limit will not be accepted for publication. Papers should include a title and an
abstract of fewer than 250 words.
All papers must be formatted for printing on US LETTER (8.5" by 11") and must adhere to the IEEE formatting
requirements. For LaTeX users, please use the "conference" option. The template
should be used as is. Papers that modify the template, e.g., by picking narrower line-spacing or margins
than what the template defines, will be rejected for publication.
Papers must be submitted in PDF format, without including any non-standard fonts. We must be able to display
and print your camera-ready manuscript exactly as we receive it and using only standard tools and postscript
printers. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you use only standard fonts. Make sure that the paper,
including the figures, is readable on a black-and-white printout.
Author List, Paper Titles, and Presentation
The author list must remain the same as when the paper was submitted for review, and any
changes in the author list or title is forbidden without prior written permission from the TPC Co-Chairs.
Every paper must be presented by an author at the conference. At least one author of an
accepted paper is expected to register at the full rate of the conference and to present the paper at the
conference, in order for the paper to appear in the conference proceedings and be submitted to the IEEE
digital library. Please expect further information for registration.
Non-Presented Paper Policy ("No-Show Policy"): Each paper must be presented at the conference by an author of
that paper, unless prior approval is obtained from the TPC Co-Chairs and General Chairs. Papers that are not
presented by their authors may be removed from IEEE Xplore and be excluded from distribution after the
Generating and Submitting IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF
- Add the copyright notice to the bottom of the first page of your paper
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S.
Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia),
the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-6992-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is:
978-1-7281-6992-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 European Union
- For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-7281-6992-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE
Latex users can add following lines just before \begin{document}
for the copyright notice
to show up (shown below as an example for the d case above):
\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts\IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{ 978-1-7281-6992-7/20/\$31.00
$\copyright$2020 IEEE \hfill}\hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}
MSWord users can use: "Insert" -> "Text box", insert the appropriate copyright
notice in the texbox, and place the box (without border) at the bottom left on the first page. Detailed
information on IEEE copyright policy and instructions for authors can be found at:
- You can use IEEE PDF eXpress in two ways:
- To verify whether your final manuscript PDF is compatible to IEEE Xplore.
- To generate an IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF using your manuscript source files (e.g. Microsoft
Word, LaTeX DVI and EPS files).
- To access IEEE PDF eXpress:
- Go to http://www.pdf-express.org/.
- Use Conference ID: 49622X.
- Follow the instructions in the website.
- For additional help, please follow the instruction at http://www.pdf-express.org/frhelp.asp.
- If you have verified your PDF to be IEEE Xplore-Compatible or have successfully generated an IEEE
Xplore-Compatible PDF, you can then proceed to submit the IEEE Xplore-Compatible PDF to https://icnp.camera-ready.seemoo.de/
- If your PDF is not compatible or the PDF generation fails, you must fix the errors.
- This may take several iterations over several days, so please begin this process as soon as
- If your submitted paper does not pass Xplore compatible check, you will be asked to re-generate
a compatible version and take the risk of not being included in the conference proceedings.
Electronic Copyright Form
Please fill out and submit the following form to access the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) system. The
eCF system allows you to complete and sign the copyright release form. You must complete the IEEE copyright
release form using the eCF system in order to submit your paper. This copyright release form MUST be
COMPLETED when you are submitting your paper.
Please note: You are stating that the material in your paper is original and you have not
previously released copyright for this paper to another party. We cannot publish your paper without this
properly completed form.