
Travel Grants

The 28th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2020)
Madrid, Spain, October 13-16, 2020

© Madrid Destino Cultura Turismo y Negocio

The purpose of the Travel Grant Program is to encourage junior researcher participation in the conference by partially funding the travel costs for those who would otherwise be unable to physically attend. Depending on fund availability, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers from accredited US- based universities will be considered for travel support. The program is made possible with the kind support of the US National Science Foundation (NSF) agency. In selecting applicants for travel support, preference will be given to those who satisfy one or more of the following criteria:

We also take into account extenuating circumstances that are discussed in statements and letters. Applicants are expected to show evidence of a serious interest in networking, as demonstrated by coursework and project experience. ICNP particularly encourages the participation of women and members of underrepresented groups. The grants are intended for applicants who will physically attend the conference.

How to Apply

The following information should be submitted:

Applications that do not include the above items will not be considered. The expectation is that a student travel grant will significantly offset airfare, and hotel accommodation. It may not fully cover these expenses, however, since our desire is to maximize participation by students.

Submit your application (one zip file) through email at: iosifidg@tcd.ie with the title [ICNP 2020 Travel Grant].

Important Notes about Reimbursement

Funds can only be used toward travel, sustenance and lodging at the conference hotel, and only for attending physically the conference. Due to the substantially reduced registration cost, the grants do not cover registration expenses. In order to support as many students as possible, the amounts awarded will defray, but may not necessarily cover all costs. Students are strongly encouraged to secure additional funding from other sources. Funds will be disbursed only in the form of reimbursements for actual expenses. A receipt is required for any expense reimbursed (e.g., airfare and hotel receipts). Only airfare on US-flag carriers can be covered with these grants.

For reimbursement, the student must submit the following information:

An application for this travel grant is an implicit acceptance of these terms.

Important Dates

Submission deadline September 23, 2020 (11:59:59 p.m. PDT)
Notification of acceptance September 28, 2020

Additional Information

Please pay attention to the following details about the travel grant application and reimbursement process:

Travle Grant Committee

George Iosifidis (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Chen Qian (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)