
PhD Forum

The 28th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP 2020)
Madrid, Spain, October 13-16, 2020

© Madrid Destino Cultura Turismo y Negocio

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ICNP 2020 PhD Forum event has been cancelled.

The PhD Forum was initially planned as an in-person event where PhD students could:

  • Receive constructive feedback from a reputed panel with respect to their PhD work.
  • Network and explore new opportunities for cooperation with other PhD students as well as with experienced researchers.
  • Listen to keynote speakers on topics relevant to doing a PhD.
  • Practice presenting and gain exposure for their research.

Unfortunately, a full-fledged in-person PhD Forum event has become impossible due to COVID-19.

Call for PhD Forum

The PhD Forum at ICNP 2020 aims to provide an inspiring, open, and constructive setting in which PhD students can present their ongoing research or research plans to a scientific audience and a panel of experienced researchers.
Each presentation will be followed by feedback and advice from the panel and discussions with the audience.

Participating in the PhD Forum allows you to:

  1. Receive constructive feedback from a reputed panel, which may strengthen and shape your work towards a PhD degree.
  2. Network and explore new opportunities for cooperation with other PhD students as well as with experienced researchers.
  3. Listen to keynote speaker(s) on topics relevant to doing a PhD.
  4. Practice presenting and gain exposure for your research.

PhD Forum Chairs

Fernando Kuipers (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Gábor Rétvári (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)

PhD Forum Submission

Current PhD students, who will not complete their PhD before the conference, may submit their work to the PhD Forum in one of the following two ways:

  1. Poster submission: For novel research contributions you are encouraged to submit your work as a poster and select the "Poster + PhD Forum" option in the online HotCRP submission system. Accepted poster submissions will appear in the proceedings. Possibly not all of the accepted poster submissions will fit into the PhD Forum session, in which case a selection will be made by the chairs. Those selected for the PhD Forum will be asked to present how the poster contribution fits into the overall thesis and any other plans they have for the thesis.
  2. Research Statement: you are encouraged to submit a 2-page research summary describing the scope of your PhD thesis, initial results, ongoing work, and research plans. Please, submit your research statement via the HotCRP website and select the "PhD Forum (Research Statement)" option for your submission. The summary should include the names and affiliations of the student and research advisor(s), and expected date of the submission of the dissertation. Accepted research summaries will not appear in the proceedings nor on the conference web page.

Authors of accepted submissions are expected to participate in person. There will be no separate registration fee for the PhD Forum.

Poster papers and Research statements should be submitted in the Portable Document Format (PDF) only, following the same formatting instructions as for the main conference papers, except that the author names should be included in the 2-page PDF, and their title must bear a "Poster:" or "Statement:" prefix, respectively. Please use the online HotCRP system at the following link (if you do not have an account, please create a new one in the submission website):

Important Dates for Poster/Demo/PhD Forum Contributions

Submission deadline July 31, 2020 Extended to August 7, 2020 (11:59 a.m. EDT, i.e., Noon)
Notification of acceptance August 14, 2020
Camera ready version August 24, 2020